Three positions:
Music & PSPE Teacher.
IB Teacher Job Description Nanchang **International School
Every teacher is a member of the ** learning community, and is responsible to
● the IB coordinator for the effective delivery of the curriculum. ● to the Director for the support for, and implementation of, NCIS’ policies
1. General responsibilities
Every teacher will
● be an active advocate for NCIS’ vision, mission and core aims
● be an active advocate for NCIS’ curricular and philosophical commitments as an IB World School, ensuring alignment of all policies and practices to IB Standards and Practices
● support the School Leadership Team in the implementation of the school’s strategic and operational goals
● collaborate with the IB Coordinators to develop, implement and deliver NCIS’ curricular goals, aligned to the school’s strategic planning
● collaborate to ensure that at all times the school’s curriculum provides a safe, supportive learning environment for students, teachers and all other members of the NCIS community
● promote a culture where diversity and inclusion are encouraged and students learn to respect differences, take responsibility for their actions, exercise leadership, actively build community and strive for academic excellence
● engage with leadership, colleagues, students and the school community to create a dynamic, aspirational and innovative culture – a professional learning community grounded in collaboration, focused on improving learning outcomes, and driven by data-informed decision-making
● lead and support a culture accepting of innovation
● be an active, life-long learner. 2.Specific responsibilities
A. To lead learning, every teacher will
1. ensure a consistent collaborative focus on improving student learning outcomes through the effective
understanding, development, delivery, and analysis of the IB curriculum up to date with and respond to current research about improving student learning outcomes
3. ensure that an on-going, critical analysis and evaluation of student inclusion and performance data
inform student learning
4. differentiate in the classroom, taking into account each student’s learning needs
5. Use a wide range of technologies and creative teaching styles
6. Contribute to the development of interdisciplinary learning and the development of transdisciplinary
skills. 7. analyse and evaluate student performance data and take appropriate action in support of individual
student learning
8. ensure students have an active and engaged role in developing their own learning outcomes
9. facilitate the setting, monitoring and evaluation of student targets to meet achievable, measurable
learning outcomes
10. engage purposefully in collaborative professional learning
11. ensure that current and innovative digital learning strategies are promoted and embedded in
12. be ready to share understanding about how students learn
13. ensure, in collaboration with colleagues and the IB coordinators, an effective scope and sequence of
learning outcomes, vertically and horizontally
14. model best practice within our professional learning community
15. attend scheduled student progress meetings, including student/teacher/parent conferences
16. be accountable for effective learning in the classroom
17. be accountable for the wellbeing of each student in the classroom
B. To lead teaching, every teacher will
1. ensure a consistent collaborative focus on improving student learning outcomes through the
modelling of best teaching practice
2. support the IB coordinator in developing common understandings, based on current research, about
best teaching practice as this applies to NCIS’ vision
3. collaborate with colleagues to evaluate and improve teaching strategies, using effective, research- based learning and teaching programmes
4. support the delivery of the curriculum to ensure an appropriate, comprehensive, innovative and high
quality program
5. collaborate with colleagues as required to team-teach, share resources, mentor, coach, and support
NCIS’ collaborative approach to teaching
6. be familiar with course syllabi, support materials, IB regulations, programme developments, professional IB discussions
7. be familiar with, and adhere to, all requirements for external examination and internal assessment
8. ensure all necessary IB deadlines, internal and external, are met
9. ensure the successful completion of all IB internal and external assessment, including the submission
of all moderation samples, by the deadlines provided
10. ensure, in collaboration with the IB coordinator and colleagues, effective curriculum articulation
11. ensure all curriculum is appropriately mapped, and all unit planners are available as required by the
IB coordinator
12. ensure the effective use of digital platforms (Toddle, Class Dojo, IXL, etc.) in line with the
expectations and of the IB coordinator
13. ensure the use of local, national and international resources within the curriculum
14. be familiar with, and adhere to, NCIS’ Assessment Policy
15. attend regular scheduled curriculum planning meetings
C. To support operational/strategic planning, every teacher will
1. support and develop planning targets aligned to the school’s vision and mission, and the school’s
wider strategic planning targets
2. support the School in preparation for evaluation/accreditation/inspection visits
3. support the School, through the provision of appropriate teaching and learning data (learning
outcomes, curriculum planning, course materials, feedback data), to facilitate mission- and data-driven
strategic planning. D. To support staff professional learning, every teacher will
1. commit to the school’s Professional Learning Program
2. engage in professional learning conversations that are informed by appropriate data and focused on
learning outcomes
3. provide, as requested, coaching for collaborative professional development
4. support new colleagues, providing coaching and access to learning resources, curriculum materials
and student learning data
5. ensure a positive engagement in, and support for, safeguarding policy and practice
6. promote collaborative practice and ensure effective learning relationships
7. act as a positive role model
E. To support quality assurance, every teacher will
1. establish and monitor personal professional targets in line with wider school goals, and work toward
their achievement
2. support agreed standards of learning and practice across the school
3. support and maintain school policies, being ready to offer constructive criticism and engage in policy
4. be responsible for the continuous review and improvement of classroom teaching and learning
5. ensure all assessment data is recorded accurately, is comprehensive, and aligns with NCIS’ assessment
6. evaluate the effectiveness of classroom learning using multiple sources of evidence including: student
assessment data, curriculum documents, teaching practice, learning outcomes, and feedback from
students, colleagues and parents/carers
7. ensure the timely and accurate recording of student attendance
8. ensure the necessary moderation of all assessment, aligned with NCIS’ Assessment Policy
9. ensure the prompt feedback and recording of any and all safeguarding concerns, liaising with the
Designated Safeguarding Lead as necessary
10. ensure all health and safety concerns, or any other threat to student or community wellbeing is
accurately logged and reported
F. To support communication & liaison, every teacher will
1. support and communicate the school’s mission and objectives, and model these within the
2. communicate all learning policies effectively to all members of the school community, using agreed
communication protocols
3. be conversant with learning policy and practice
4. communicate IB policy and practice accurately with students, ensuring appropriate guidance through
all relevant subject-specific elements of the IB
5. provide written reports, reference letters, and other support materials as requested by the Director
or IB Coordinator, to support student learning or student placement
6. communicate and liaise regularly with parents, ensuring the community has timely and appropriate
access to student learning
7. liaise with and support NCIS’ Marketing & Communications Coordinator, to ensure effective
representation of the school within and beyond the school community
8. support the Director in the promotion of NCIS, within and beyond the school community
G. To support the management of resources, every teacher will
1. support the School Leadership Team in the determination of appropriate and necessary teaching resources, linked to strategic planning and intended learning outcomes
2. support the IB Coordinator in the maintenance of an accurate inventory of educational resources
3. Additional professional expectations
Every teacher will
1. be available to support extra-curricular activities
2. provide supervision as requested by the Director